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Radio Frens~Your no.1 buddy

You can always count on Radio Frens like your no.1 buddy.

The name of our radio show will be Radio Frens-Your number one buddy(as the tagline)

We chose to name ourselves in a more friendly and approachable way to connect with the audiences. Targeting audiences around the age of 17-35 as the songs our radio programme plays are not current pop songs.

Also,letting them know that we are a radio station that they can always count on for reliable and true facts. We hope to enlighten and increase our audience’s knowledge on the music they listen to. So that they will be able to understand the background, the true meaning and the hardship of producing a song.

Our theme for Radio Frens will be ‘Truth behind Music’. In this 30 minutes long radio programme, there will be interview sessions with music producers, sessions on revealing facts on different types of songs. We will also include commercials and some short breaking news.

Jack and Ning are the djs for ‘Know it more’.

Vickey as the host for the interview sessions.

Ilyas as Interviewee(Music producer)

Pei Cen as Interviewee(Music Enthusiast)


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